Community Events

Spring Vintage Sale

This Sunday event features one-of-a-kind treasurers on the Artican Shop patio. Take time to enjoy the Spring flowers while you're at the Guild.

Art Faire

This summer Sunday event features donated artwork of all styles and sizes. Stroll the grounds enjoying the art and new plantings made possible by out Friends of Allied Arts.

October Harvest Faire

As summer winds down more treasures are up for sale on a Fall Sunday.

Nutcracker Tea

This popular holiday tea is a big hit with children and the young-at-heart of any age.

Christmas Market

This early December Sunday event features delights of the winter holiday season throughout the Guild shops and gardens.

For additional information about any of these events, email us at

San Francisco Symphony films ¡VIVA MÉXICO! at Allied Arts.

During the 2020 COVID lockdown, a small group of San Francisco Symphony musicians filmed a mini-concert in our charming gardens and Sunset Room. Beautiful music in a lovely setting. The video explores how "the music of Latin America traces a deep and beautiful narrative, a timeless journey of interconnected influences and traditions."

Learn more on the website.

Wedding, Private & Corporate Event Reservation Information:


Visit Allied Arts Guild

Hours: Monday through Saturday, 10:00 am-5:00 pm

Closed: Sundays & National Holidays.

Contact Us

To Reserve a Private Event:

For Membership Inquiries:

For Other Inquiries:

Call: 650-322-2405